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Christ In Scripture

Spreading the fame of Christ among those who don’t know him and making him more honored and adored among those who do.

GROWING IN CHRIST spiritual maturity

understanding the Bible

SERVING CHRIST advancing his kingdom

Romans chapter 9 is one of the most disputed chapters in the Bible. In it we find an allegory about the potter and the clay, which has been interpreted in different ways. The apostle Paul used this allegory consistent with how the Old Testament prophets used it. So, let's find out what he meant by it.

The word elect generates a lot of discussion and debate in the Christian church. Both Jesus and the apostles use the term in their teachings. So, who are the elect in the New Testament? The term “chosen” is used even more in the Bible.  Are the elect and the chosen the same?

Prayer is such an important part of our relationship with God. But is there a right way to pray? Can prayer be misguided? If so, what can we use as a guide? Let's look at how Jesus taught his disciples to pray to our Father.

Teachings and Resources for Those Seeking God

“Those who come to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently seek him.” …(Hebrews 11:6)

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