
Knowing Christ

Tree covered mountains with rising sun in the background between 2 mountains, suggesting God's mysteries being revealed.

The Mystery of Christ in the Bible

God has revealed many things to us, but there are also many things God has withheld that remain mysteries. But one mystery, that of the Messiah, has been fully revealed. So, if that’s true, what did Paul mean when he wrote about the “mystery of Christ?” And are there important truths about Christ in the Bible for which God intentionally withholds understanding?

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Those who flogged Jesus after his trial were guilty of sin, but the Jewish religious leaders who handed Jesus over to the Romans committed the greater sin.

Are all sins equal before God?

The early Christian church fathers all acknowledged that some sins were greater than others. But within the last half century a popular belief has developed among Christians, that God sees all sins the same. But is this biblical? And how did this belief come about?

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Jesus presents himself as Messiah in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey with the people and children praising him.

Jesus’ triumphal entry and the children’s praise

For centuries, God had promised a Messiah who would bring salvation and deliverance to the people. Toward the end of his public ministry, Jesus entered Jerusalem with his disciples to present himself as the humble King of the Jews, in fulfillment of those promises.  His triumphal entry into Jerusalem was received well by many people but very poorly by others. Who were the people present that day and why did they respond the way they did?

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Spiral galaxy demonstrating power, uniformity, complexity, and order in the universe, which are evidences of God's existence

Evidence for God’s Existence

Is there any evidence for the existence of God? If so, how can we find it? These questions, if asked and pursued sincerely, can lead one into a great body of knowledge and truth. I maintain there is strong evidence for God’s existence from logical, scientific and historical perspectives. If you are a skeptic or agnostic, my hope is that this article will persuade you.

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God's patience demonstrated by the slow weathering of a mountain side

God’s Patience Toward Us

 Most of us know what patience is, even though we might not have much of it ourselves. We all really appreciate it when someone is patient with us. But for some reason we have a hard time remembering to be patient with others. Who is someone we can hold up as the supreme example of patience? Our Creator of course.

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Statue of lady with justice scale and sword representing the impartiality of God

God is Impartial and has no Favorites

We all hate the word favoritism. And we resent those who are picked as favorites—in school, at work, or anywhere else. Why?  Because we instinctively know that favoritism is unfair. The Bible teaches that God is impartial to all and that he shows no favoritism. So, if that’s true, why were the Israelites his “chosen people?”  And how does this conform to the fact that only those who believe the gospel are saved?

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An angel comforts Jesus as he agonizes and suffers in the Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus had spent three years ministering to the people and training his disciples. Now the time had come for him to fulfill the main purpose for which he had come to earth: to sacrifice his life as payment for our sin. He would then rise again so that others could be raised to live with him. To prepare for his death, he arrived with his disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.  During Jesus’ time in the garden, he faced the most difficult trial of his earthly life.

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Spiral galaxy shows God's infinite power and majesty demonstrating how God rules the universe

How God Sustains and Rules the Universe

God’s creation is awe inspiring and wondrous. He made the universe with incredible power and precision. But how does he rule the universe? By what means does he sustain the physical world he created?  This post will show that God rules the universe by immutable laws, which are an extension of his mind and power.

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Jesus, who was God, showed God's wrath when he cleared the temple of sellers

Understanding God’s Wrath in the Bible

Some people say a truly loving God could never be angry with anyone. Others say the Bible teaches that God is by nature a wrathful God. I believe both are wrong. But the Bible clearly speaks of God’s wrath, and not just a few, but many times. So, how could a loving God get angry? And why? In this post we will look at Scriptures that answer these questions.

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Mary with baby Jesus surrounded by shepherds shows the incarnation.

The Coming of Christ the Savior: God With Us

The coming of Jesus Christ into the world was the most significant event in human history. And the life of Christ was the most significant life of anyone ever born into humanity. Through the coming of Christ the Savior, God came to earth to dwell with us in human flesh.  He was the long-awaited Savior, the Messiah: “God with us.”

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