Scott Rogers

Scott Rogers is a Bible teacher, author, missionary, and retired hydrologist. Over the last 45 years, he has been involved in various cross-cultural missionary endeavors in both the U.S. and Latin America, including water resource development for impoverished communities, Bible teaching, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

Poor homeless elderly woman.

The Many Causes of Poverty

Many people are confused about the causes of poverty. As humans, we have a tendency to prejudge people and the cause of their condition. The more liberal sector of society believes most poverty is caused by injustice.  Many conservatives, and even some religious people, believe people are poor mostly because they’re irresponsible. But both Scripture and observation show there are many causes of poverty. Before we address solutions, we must understand the causes. 

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Jesus Christ sacrificed on the cross.

Christ’s Sacrifice: Once For All

As Jesus was dying, he uttered his final words from the cross: “It is finished.” The sacrifice that provided for the salvation of the world was complete. Christ gave himself—his own life—as payment for our sins. But did Christ’s sacrifice apply only to those after his death? Did Jesus come just for us today? What about those who lived before his death and resurrection?  Could those people also find salvation? If so, on what basis? 

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Young woman loving God with all her heart.

Loving God- the Greatest Command

What is most important to you in life? What is the most important thing you can think of? Jesus Christ taught that loving God is the highest of all priorities, the greatest command in God’s law.   According to the Bible, we were made to be connected to God in a love relationship. But what does it mean to love God? How can we love a Being we can’t see?  Loving God means giving him ourselves—our heart, soul, mind, and strength—all that we are.

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Young man with Bible praying to become more like Christ.

Becoming Like Christ by the Power of God’s Spirit

How do we become better people? How do we make a better society? Will the coming of a new year magically bring the changes we want in us and others we live with? No, nothing really changes with the changing of the calendar. If we are the same people, then there is no reason to think that society will change. We are still sinful and need God and his transforming power. But how can we change?

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Man in a forest setting repenting before God, with a bright light shining in the back.

Repentance and Reconciling with God

What does it mean to repent? Does it mean we suddenly become religious or decide to join a church? No. Or does it mean you vow to never sin again? Hardly. But then what is it? Is it a once and for all act? And is it essential for a relationship with God? Because repentance is such an important word in the Christian faith, we need to know the answers to these questions.

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