What Readers Are Saying
I found this book to be a very logical, compelling, and well-written piece on the subject of eternal judgment as it is put forth in the Bible. The book has challenged my traditional view of hell, and expanded my understanding of God’s character.
I find this book to be a well-thought-out expose on various aspects of what composes God’s judgment. It is not a simplistic statement but looks at the multiple angles of the now-growing position of conditional immortality. Rogers also reflects on side issues that are affected by a more biblically compassionate and accurate understanding of divine justice. I particularly appreciate the chapter on the unevangelized as a gracious approach to mission as reflected in the author’s work with international students.
John C.
Scott Rogers’ book on the conditional immortality view of hell is very helpful in giving a clear understanding of that view and why one would choose it over the traditional view of conscious eternal torment. Rogers considers many aspects of this topic including the types of judgments mentioned in the Bible, those who have never heard the good news, and the justice of God.
Jon H.
Mr. Rogers has done an excellent job of trying to make sense out of the diverse references to hell in the Bible. His treatment of the subject is thoughtful and extensively researched. No reference to hell was left un-examined.
Phil A.
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SalvationAndStuff.com, with Micah Coate
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