Scott Rogers

Scott Rogers is a Bible teacher, author, missionary, and retired hydrologist. Over the last 45 years, he has been involved in various cross-cultural missionary endeavors in both the U.S. and Latin America, including water resource development for impoverished communities, Bible teaching, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

The scribe Baruch serving God in humility by writing down the words God gave to Jeremiah

Serving God in humility

Serving God is one of the greatest privileges of the believer. We serve an awesome God, and the blessings are enormous. But it isn’t always easy. At times God’s servant can find that ministry can become a burden and personally unrewarding. The problems can seem much greater than the rewards. And serving God in humility is even more difficult, especially when conflicts or opposition come.

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Statue of lady with justice scale and sword representing the impartiality of God

God is Impartial and has no Favorites

We all hate the word favoritism. And we resent those who are picked as favorites—in school, at work, or anywhere else. Why?  Because we instinctively know that favoritism is unfair. The Bible teaches that God is impartial to all and that he shows no favoritism. So, if that’s true, why were the Israelites his “chosen people?”  And how does this conform to the fact that only those who believe the gospel are saved?

God is Impartial and has no Favorites Read More »

Someone studying the Bible under a gas lamp, trying to harmonize Jesus' and Paul's teachingsassages

Harmonizing Teachings of Jesus and Paul

To some people, the teachings of Jesus and those of the apostle Paul don’t always agree. Critics of the Bible and of the Christian faith like to point out what they see as glaring differences. Even solid believers are known to gravitate toward the teachings of either Jesus or Paul. But are Jesus and Paul really at odds? Is there a conflict between the two?

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Moses bringing sown the ten commandments of God's law to the people

Do Christians Need to Keep the Mosaic Law?

One of the greatest disputes in the Church today is how Christians should relate to the Mosaic laws. Some maintain that none of the Mosaic laws apply to us anymore because we are under the New Covenant. Others say they all apply since the Old Testament is God’s eternal Word and doesn’t change. Should Christians obey the Law of Moses? Or, are there some that apply to us and others that don’t?

Do Christians Need to Keep the Mosaic Law? Read More »

An angel comforts Jesus as he agonizes and suffers in the Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus had spent three years ministering to the people and training his disciples. Now the time had come for him to fulfill the main purpose for which he had come to earth: to sacrifice his life as payment for our sin. He would then rise again so that others could be raised to live with him. To prepare for his death, he arrived with his disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.  During Jesus’ time in the garden, he faced the most difficult trial of his earthly life.

Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane Read More »

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