Scott Rogers

Scott Rogers is a Bible teacher, author, missionary, and retired hydrologist. Over the last 45 years, he has been involved in various cross-cultural missionary endeavors in both the U.S. and Latin America, including water resource development for impoverished communities, Bible teaching, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.

Hosea buys back his wife from slavery, symbolizing his plea for the Israelites to return to the Lord.

Let us return to the Lord: Hosea’s plea

During the 8th century B.C.  God sent the prophet Hosea to the house of Israel. Hosea’s mission was to call the people to repent of their idolatry, cruelty, and injustice, and to return to God. His impassioned pleas to this wayward people reflected his own tragic relationship with his wife, who he was trying to bring back from a life of adultery and prostitution.

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King Solomon writing book of Proverbs which provides a major path to wisdom for anyone who reads it.

Paths to God’s Wisdom

Life is so full of challenges and difficulties, but also many opportunities. How do we make our way through this world and choose the best path with all of the perils and obstacles in our way? God has given us intelligence to solve problems and find answers to our questions. But we need more than intelligence to succeed, flourish, and to live a safe and fruitful life that pleases God. For those, we need wisdom.

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Path leading upward into glowing heavenly clouds, symbolizing predestination: the believer's destiny of becoming like Christ in heaven.

Predestination in the Bible

Many Christians stay away from the subject of predestination because they see it as controversial and think that discussing it only leads to disagreement and conflict. Others put it into the “things I will not understand until heaven” category. But predestination is an important Christian doctrine and a great consolation to believers if understood correctly. So, what is predestination in the Bible?

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