
The Pharisees bring to Jesus the woman caught in adultery, and Jesus shows compassion to her by not condemning her but freeing her from guilt.

Christ’s Compassion for the Wayward Soul

Many people wonder: Is God kind and compassionate, or angry and accusing? We all would like to think he is loving because we hear that he is. But does he really love us, or is this just an advertisement to get people to join a religion or a church?  How do we really know? We know by looking at Jesus Christ, the One who is God in the flesh, and by Christ’s compassion for all he met.

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Woman praying and sincerely seeking God

Seeking and Finding the God Who is Near

Some people claim that since we can’t see God, finding him is impossible, so we shouldn’t waste our time seeking him. For them, God is just an interesting discussion topic. But many throughout history have claimed to have sought God and found him. All throughout Scripture God tells us to seek him. Why would God invite us to seek him if it’s impossible to find him?

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